Friday, March 3, 2017

Week 4: Reeling In The Initial Responses

Hey there everyone! It’s Friday and that means it’s blog post time!
But I can’t believe week four is already over! It seems like just yesterday, I was starting my first week at Underground Fitness. These past weeks have been awesome and although this week felt somewhat concerning, it also lives up to that benchmark.  

Like last week, this week offsite was not as bustling. When I was offsite, I was essentially waiting for responses to come in from my survey.  Each day, I would check the responses spreadsheet to see if anyone was able to fill out the survey.  What was partially concerning and slightly disheartening was that responses were not coming in as frequently as I had hoped. However, I will wait see how results come in next week to see if I need to potentially change the survey questions.

 On-site, this week was a lot more packed. On Tuesday, I sat down to talk with my site mentor on how progress was going with handing out the surveys. He said that he was able to give the surveys out to some people but he highlighted the a trend that  could explain the lack of reponses. The trend he highlighted was that many people who came into the center—especially people in the morning and evening— are quick to start and quick to leave. They either are in a rush to go to work (in the morning) or home (in the evening).  Thus he was not able to give the survey to as many people, especially in the mornings and evenings, as they did not have the time to take it. This resulted in him only being able to give the surveys to people who come in the afternoon, since they had the actual time complete the survey. What was also very a pressing problem was people that confirmed they'd complete the survey, did not actually respond. My site mentor explained that this could happen because clients get other work or potentially get busy and forget to finish the survey.

But I will consult my faculty advisor and my site mentor on ways to mitigate this problem.

The rest of the week I had attempted to distribute the surveys to clients willing to participate. This week, by asking in person, I was actually able to get around ten to twelve people to take the survey. Although that number was lower than what I had expected, I was able to still spot initial trends. One major trend that I saw was that people had reported that they had felt better compared to before the workout.  Another major trend that I had saw was that a majority of the clients who took the survey were very satisfied with continuing fitness.  However, these are only initial trends and I will do a further analysis after more results come in, hopefully in the next two weeks.

As an brief action plan in the following weeks, I hope to find a way to incentivize people to take the survey. By consulting with my site mentor and my faculty advisor, I hope to create a solution that will motivate people to complete my survey.  I also want to gather more data so I can analyze and see more trends in the coming weeks.

Phew! That’s all for this week. Thanks again for reading and tune in next week to see how I progress!  Until then…


  1. It would be interesting to see how the responses vary from each group. I would imagine that the people who come in the afternoon and aren't racing to/from places would be less stressed in general, as opposed to the busier clients. What incentives are you considering?

    1. Hey Stirling, thanks for reading! I also think that responses would vary from each group. Compared to people who have time to come in the afternoon, people who are in a time crunch would probably comparatively more stressed. For that reason, I am trying to ask my site mentor and some of the other trainers if they can give the surveys to some people who come in the morning. To answer your second question, I am discussing with my site mentor on what possibilities are there.

  2. Hi Anirudh! Based on the trends you've noticed so far, I assume there were participants who said they were not satisfied with continuing fitness or who said they didn't feel better compared to before the workout. Would an explanation be that these people only started working out recently or do you think there might be another reason?

  3. Hey Shreya, thanks for reading! With regards to your question, looking at the data, there is a trend that people who have worked out longer reported that they are more satisfied with fitness, with the exception of a few. However, I am not fully sure if that is the sole reason they reported that they did not feel better. Many could feel fatigue after working(i.e they are sore or exhausted) or potentially even though they workout, they could be focusing on other work/tasks. Thanks again for reading!

  4. Hey Anirudh. Nice blog post this week. I was wondering if you think the time people come to workout affects the way they feel about fitness and their stress levels since the surveys were mostly completed by people who worked out in the afternoon? Thanks and can't wait to read more.

    1. Hey Anisha! Thanks for reading! With regards to your question, potentially the time they come in could affect how they feel before the workout. For instance, they could workout after work to maybe release the stress from work. It could be related to why they exercise—i.e they exercise at a certain time because it could give them new energy. However, I am not sure the time they come in affects stress levels.
